The Taming of the Shoe

Saturday, April 29

10:00 am


2:00 pm


Fairmont High School Auditorium

Adults tickets: $8

Students and seniors: $5

Tickets on sale at the door

Meet the Cast and Crew of 

The Taming of the Shoe

Students in the cast and crew include: Nadia Germann, Mia Rodriguez, Aubrey Choice, Kiyah Matevia, Ren Murray, Lynn Dauterman, Gabby Campbell, Charlie Cute, Emilie Rodriguez, Sadie Lee, Brooke DesRuisseau, Amira Gridi, Finja Loschmann, Brendan Lamb, Katie Hosford, Evangeline Sove, CC Connolly, Tres Oakley, Joey Estes, Daniel Breslin, William Schneider, Jack DiTallo, and Keb Stevens. Not Pictured: Lola Brow, Cheyenne Deaton, Lucia Mallott, Val Simms, and Molly Wulfeck